🙄 “You’ll get great exposure”

>>TL;DR: Click here to read how to work with influencers for your handmade business<<

Working with “influencers” is a HOT button topic.

I put “influencers” in quotes because actual genuine influencers actually don’t identify themselves as such…at least, the ones that you would want to work with don’t.

🤦‍♀️ Pro tip: if they utter the phrase “you’ll get great exposure”…run.

The person who is looking for freebies so that they can show off all of the swag they get for free?

Definitely NOT the influencer for you.

The person who shares real, genuine stories and posts about the products they use and love?

Now we’re talking!

Your time and your art are valuable, which means that you’ve GOT to be selective in who’s out there representing you.

Working with the right influencers can lift your business up, and working with the wrong ones can be a hit on your wallet – and on your brand’s reputation.

I’ve got a rockstar list of resources and tools that will help you get started working with influencers, including how to find them and what to say when you find “the one”. Click here to read more!

P.S.: If you’ve ever worked with an influencer for your handmade business, I’d LOVE to know how it went…hit “reply” and spill the tea!

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Lucy at Bloom

✂️ Your go-to resource for learning how to find more of the people who will LOVE your art, so that you can sell more of your handmade products with lots of confidence – and WAY less hustle!

Read more from Lucy at Bloom

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